Suicide Prevention and Awareness Enhancement Initiative

We are incredibly passionate about launching the HopeGuard a project of Knights of Saint Thomas in collaboration with Suicide Prevention UK, aiming to make a significant difference in suicide prevention. As part of our initiative, we invite you to collaborate with us in identifying potential areas in your community where suicides or attempts have occurred.
Our goal is to create a supportive environment and offer help to those in need. By understanding the patterns and locations where these incidents have taken place, we can work towards implementing effective preventive measures and providing essential resources to individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts.
We believe that by joining forces and raising awareness, we can make a meaningful impact on mental health and well-being within our communities. Your participation in this project could be a vital step toward saving lives and bringing hope to those who are suffering. HopeGuard is a comprehensive initiative aimed at preventing suicide and raising awareness by identifying potential suicide hotspots and displaying messages of support and hope in these locations. This project recognizes the importance of providing assistance and hope to individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts or severe depression.

Research and Identification:

Collaboration with local public health institutions, law enforcement agencies, and non-profit organizations to gather relevant data on high-risk suicide locations within the communities from the UK.

Message Development:

Creating positive and encouraging messages for individuals in distress, urging them to seek help from mental health specialists and to share their feelings with friends or family. The messages should provide support, empathy, and information about available resources while avoiding judgment or stigmatization of individuals with mental health issues. In addition to messages, information about institutions and resources available for those in need of assistance will be provided. This may include crisis hotline numbers or addresses of nearby counselling centres.

Message Display:

Placement of boards or banners featuring prevention messages in high-risk areas such as bridges, subway stations, or parks. Posting messages on social media platforms to reach a broader audience. Distributing flyers and informational materials within the community.

Community Involvement:

HopeGuard requires the active involvement of community members, support from local authorities, and collaboration with mental health professionals. By implementing the HopeGuard initiative, we aim to make a positive impact on communities from the UK by providing support and hope to those in crisis and working together to prevent suicide.

Free Suicide Awareness Training

About the course 

Access the link highlighted in red above. Through our 20-minute suicide awareness training, you will gain skills and confidence to help someone who may be considering suicide. 

Who it’s for 

The training is recommended for anyone aged 16 and over. Anyone can learn how to have a potentially life-saving conversation. What you’ll learn 

  • How to spot suicide warning signs
  • How to have a conversation with someone you’re worried about
  • Where to signpost to for further support
  • Suicide is preventable

 How long it will, it takes 

This training takes approximately 20 minutes to complete, and you will get a certificate when you have completed the training.